Friday, June 5, 2009

Red trees

Does the tree look like it is walking?

Aaron's game shelf

Now that Aaron has moved into his new building, called "The Barn" even though it has no farm animals in it, the board games have come out of the closet.

The bottom shelf contains games designed by

So who is this Wallace Nutting character?

This quirky, New England minister-turned-entrepreneur built a Martha Stewart-style enterprise in the early nineteen hundreds selling a vision of the past. His romantic—but not always accurate—notions persist today.

He is famous for claiming “everything new is bad.”

This post is pilfered from Accent Magazine.

Mount Tom Painting

Mount Tom is somewhere in Maine.


Which way is the water flowing?

12 by 12 inch oil painting by Kate.

One of the first paintings done following Kate's move into her new studio in the house.

Kate's erstwhile studio building is now a gallery space.

Mount Desert cove after Wallace Nutting

Kate and Wallace are enjoying working together.